Since I started teaching yoga in 2006 both myself and my students regularly experience and report unexpected benefits from the yoga classes.
One student was a hair dresser who attended her first class with me, which happened to be using sticks to help open up the shoulders. Half way through the class she realised her sore shoulder was no longer sore ( after many months of suffering). She had tears in her eyes.
Only recently a student who had vertigo for many months found it to completely disappear and to not return again after I did a visualising meditation at the end of the class which involved going inward and encouraging the body to heal.
Another fellow with anger management issues attended yoga 3 times a week for a few months with amazing results. He became so calm and rational his wife felt like he was a new man.
I myself have had so many improvements from fixing my flat feet ( I had worn orthotics for over 30 yrs before yoga), losing weight , managing stress, greatly improved flexibly and strength.
I wonder what yoga could do for you?