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Choose Healthy Ageing Options Daily
As the holiday season approaches most of us will start to relax and seek opportunities to "turn off" from the pace of life. Usually that...
Yoga & Stretching = Better Health Long Term
My personal experience (of practicing yoga several times a week and stretching daily for over 20yrs) and the testimonies of my students...
Healing through yoga: 3 inspiring stories
Since I started teaching yoga in 2006 both myself and my students regularly experience and report unexpected benefits from the yoga...
10 surprising side effects of adopting a regular work out routine
Sometimes we think of yoga as a physical practice.... helping the body with strength and flexibility. But, depending on how it is taught,...
Are you ready to plunge into yoga?
The most common excuses for people not starting yoga classes seem to be:- " I have never done it before" " I am too stiff / too unfit " "...
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